Graffiti Art Magazine #53 | December 2020 – January 2021
Street Art and Perspectives
EDITORIAL #53 | December 2020 – January 2021
What prospects for Street Art? Let's put on our pink glasses and project ourselves towards a better world, without forgetting the difficult times that many of us have been through. As we wrote previously, Street Art is always reborn like a phoenix.
Perspectives are sometimes just a matter of perspective; a virus can also be good with the urban and viral invasions of Invader Was Here ; or also visual impressions, like these masters of illusion who play with us and give life to walls where immersive universes develop with bombs and genius. KATRE's lines are a bold reminder not to believe everything you see. In search of other perspectives, we dive enthusiastically into the Molitor swimming pool, where the exploits of Tarzan have given way to several generations of street artists: a Street Art in an Underground version, then a more polished Street Art. A unity of place, two perspectives of Street Art.
While waiting for the full reopening of Molitor, we discover a rich and vigorous South African Street Art scene with a stopover in Cape Town (ZA). This vitality draws its inspiration from the diversity of the populations and also the local fauna, an inexhaustible source. It is indeed with fauna in general, or more exactly local fauna, that the Belgian artist ROA captivates our gaze and enchants us in the four corners of the planet.
To continue our journey, we cross the universe of Gabriel Moreno where femininity, overconsumption and violence collide under subtle lines, enter the quirky world of LADY AIKO and explore the exceptional accumulations and collages of Joram Roukes. And last but not least, we follow in the footsteps of urban archaeologist Vhils and discover new faces affected by the ambient chaos.
The entire GraffitiART team wishes you happy holidays and a year 2021 full of renewal.
Take Care. Stay Safe.
Perspectives on Street Art
EDITORIAL #53 | December 2020 – January 2021
What are the perspectives for Street Art? Let's put on the rose-coloured glasses and imagine a brighter future, without forgetting the rough time many of us are going through. As we stated in the last issue, Street Art, like the phoenix, rises from the ashes.
Sometimes, perspective is simply a matter of viewpoint, just like a virus can also be a good thing with urban and viral invasions of the type Invader was here. Or maybe of visual impressions, like the illusionist artists who play with our senses and give rise to immersive murals with strokes of paint and genius. KATRE's lines boldly remind us that you should not believe everything you see. Looking for new perspectives, we will have a joyful swim in the Molitor pool, where Tarzan's feats paved the way for generations of street artists: an underground version of Street Art followed by a more official one. One place, several perspectives.
While we wait for the full reopening of the Molitor, let us take you to the rich and vibrant South African Street Art scene with a trip to Cape Town (ZA). A vitality that draws on a cultural melting pot as well as local wildlife, an inexhaustible source of inspiration. ROA, too, draws on wildlife, and on local fauna in particular, to catch our eye wherever he goes.
We will continue our journey with a stop in the world of Gabriel Moreno, which gathers in a refined style, femininity, overconsumption and violence; before moving on to the original universe of LADY AIKO; and Joram Roukes' exceptional accumulations and collages. And last but not least, we will follow the tracks of urban archaeologist Vhils and discover new faces marked by hardship.
The entire team of GraffitiART wish you Happy Holidays and may the New Year 2021 be full of revival.
Take care. Stay safe.