Graffiti Art Magazine #67 | December – January 2023
Street Art for origin.
Urban Contemporary Art for expression.
Celebrating Street Art
EDITORIAL #67 | December-January 2023
As the end-of-year celebrations approach, Urban Art sparkles everywhere and the profusion of colors and creativity brings a touch of optimism in a troubled period. The success of the exhibitions Capitale(s) 60 ans d'Art Urbain and 40 ans de Pochoirs by Jef Aérosol testify to the undiminished enthusiasm for Urban Art and its history.
Reconciling past and present animates this publication of GraffitiART. Our exploration of the streets of Belfast reveals a captivating history and a tradition of wall art that feeds on past wounds. Beyond historical facts, Urban Art brings new life and attractiveness to places that have been abandoned or have lost their original function. The transformation of the Tuileries Tunnel in Paris is a perfect example. In a few months, the road tunnel whose pedestrianization has caused a lot of ink to flow has transformed into a covered gallery acclaimed by artists and Parisians. A change of a different kind is underway at the Priory of Vivion, where worship is giving way to Urban Art under the impetus of patrons. But the Urbex remains the most radical way to discover abandoned places, we continue our discoveries with the opus 2 of the Urbex au Féminin.
On the Talent side, the uniqueness of the projects and achievements guides our selection. Thus Seth, his imagination and his vortices are on display at a time when his news has never been so rich. In such a unique style, Bordalo II claims through his bestiary and his compositions based on waste to be recycled an unfailing environmental awareness. Complete our line-up, Madame and her poetic collages, Manolo Mesa and his still lifes in XXL format and Zabou and his hyperrealistic everyday faces.
The entire GraffitiART team wishes you happy holidays and looks forward to seeing you in 2023 for new editorial adventures.