The Art of Chalk: From Lettering to Street Art

The Art of Chalk: From Lettering to Street Art

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Simple, economical, reversible. Pure pigment assembled in a stick held at your fingertips, chalk leaves classrooms to earn its letters of nobility in restaurants or in our living rooms. It flourishes in handwritten and constantly renewed typographies, more or less ornate and always ornamental. Vandals for a day, street artists also seize it to cover walls and floors with trompe-l'oeil and boredom, brightening up our journeys along the way. Anyone can try it - if it fails, a backhand is enough to wipe it off.

After an overview of current artists using this medium, The Art of Chalk combines discovery and experimentation around three axes:

  • the art of blackboard drawing and lettering,
  • pastel art,
  • chalk art on the street.

An inspirational book and practical manual, this book will guide you through the learning process, from the choice of equipment to the technical basics needed to get started. Abundantly illustrated, it will help you give a whole new dimension to your ideas.

  • Item Weight: 540g
  • ISBN-10: 2212118864
  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • ISBN-13: 978-2212118865
  • Dimensions: 22 x 1.8 x 25.5cm
  • Publisher: Eyrolles; 1st edition (February 9, 2017)
  • Language: : French